Electric bikes are growing in popularity, and you may ride one to travel around your neighborhood, commute or even run errands. When you get on your e-bike to ride in California, it is now the law to wear a helmet.
According to the State of California Department of Motor Vehicles, you must wear a helmet when riding a Class 3 vehicle. A Class 3 vehicle is any low-speed, pedal-assisted e-bike that comes with a speedometer and a motor that stops providing assistance when the rider reaches speeds of 28 mph.
Following the rules of the road
When you ride your e-bike, you must adhere to the same regulations and rules as those riding traditional bicycles, in addition to wearing a helmet. Drivers must also give you three feet of clearance when passing you on the right side of the road.
Choosing a good helmet
Since you must wear a helmet when riding an e-bike in California, it is important to select one that will preserve your safety in the event of a crash. The helmet you wear should fit snugly without fitting uncomfortably tight, and the top should sit just above your eyebrows. When wearing your helmet, always buckle and adjust the chin strap, so it sits comfortably on your neck.
While wearing a helmet and following the rules of the road when riding your e-bike can help you stay safe, you cannot control the actions of other bike riders and motorists. If you got into an accident and sustained injuries while riding your e-bike, take legal action to protect your interests.