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Report: I-5 is one of the California’s worst roads for fatalities

On Behalf of | Jul 31, 2024 | Car Accidents

Driving is a necessity for many San Diego County residents. The California freeways are known for their heavy traffic density and people frequently lament the time it takes them to commute and travel. However, those complaints become even more pronounced when discussing the possibility of an auto accident with injuries and death.

Researchers try to determine which roads are riskiest per state and across the nation. This is a tool to find strategies to enhance safety. Recently, ConsumerAffairs released a report labeling San Diego County’s Interstate-5 as the third worst in the state when it comes to road fatalities. The details and potential problems should be known by people using I-5. If they are impacted by a crash in any way, they must also know their options.

Assessing the worrisome I-5 fatality statistics

ConsumerAffairs analyzed road deaths across California from 2018 through 2022. It used information from the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration and its Fatality Analysis Reporting System (shortened to FARS).

In 2022, there was a 17% increase in fatalities when compared to 2018. Researchers think this is due in part to drivers using the emptier roadways during the health crisis to speed, drive recklessly and break other basic rules for safety. This carried over and drivers kept behaving in risky ways. Another troubling factor in the rise is that the population in the state has been on the decline making the fatal accident increase more noticeable.

There were 21 fatalities on I-5 in the county in 2022. Seven were linked to speeding and two were connected to alcohol use. When assessing I-5 and its number of deaths statewide, it was the worst in 2022 with 128 fatalities. Notably, the highest number of fatal accidents occurred between August and October and from 6 p.m. to midnight. They also spiked on weekends.

For its part, the California Department of Transportation is working on infrastructure to improve the quality of the roads while implementing strategies to reduce dangerous behaviors and mistakes such as lane departure, recklessness, impairment, speeding and aggression.

Any accident needs to be investigated in full as to how it happened

When there is an auto accident on a known dangerous roadway, it only exacerbates the problem as taking certain steps might have prevented it. With the exorbitant medical costs, emotional aftermath, long-term ramifications and other challenges that arise, it is imperative to have advice on what can be done to make a full recovery in every way.